विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी का भारतीय राजदूत
The Scientific Temper is a multidisciplinary research journal being published since 2010. Globally competitive findings as well as original and innovative ideas are the key factors for acceptance in this journal. Articles can be submitted anytime. Once submitted, please wait for the editorial processes, peer review and final decision of the editor-in-chief. Authors will be informed about the progress of their submission at every stage through the online platform. We are with, and also gradually developing, dedicated consortia with global bodies, such as- Google Scholar, Clarivate, CrossRef, CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, PORTICO, LENS, ScienceOpen, Digital Science, COPE, OASPA and many more. The Scientific Temper is now an audible and preferred voice in the Global South, West Asia, Asia Pacific and even in developed nations. Our website is being visited in cities like Boston and London, as well as in Arabic, Spanish, Uzbek, Russian, Mandarin and Korean-speaking countries.
P U B L I S H with us :
# Our open-access policy allows your work to be more widely accessible which ultimately benefits research, researchers and readers.
# All articles are first invariably read by the editor-in-chief himself before peer review to maintain the quality of publication.
# A multidisciplinary platform provides a genuine and credible place for funding agencies, policymakers and recruiters alike.
# Our rigorous editorial process makes your work free from flaws and technical errors.
У Б Л И С Х с нами : # Наша политика открытого доступа позволяет сделать вашу работу более доступной, что в конечном итоге приносит пользу исследователям, исследователям и читателям. # Все статьи в обязательном порядке сначала читаются самим главным редактором перед рецензированием для поддержания качества публикации. # Междисциплинарная платформа обеспечивает реальное и надежное место для финансирующих агентств, политиков и рекрутеров. # Наш строгий редакторский процесс делает вашу работу свободной от недостатков и технических ошибок.
与我们一起发布:# 我们的开放获取政策使您的作品能够被更广泛地访问,这最终有利于研究、研究人员和读者。 # 所有文章均先由主编亲自审阅,然后再进行同行评审,以保持发表质量。 # 多学科平台为资助机构、政策制定者和招聘人员提供了一个真实可信的场所。 # 我们严格的编辑流程使您的作品没有缺陷和技术错误。
About the Journal
The Scientific Temper publishes papers from Science and Engineering, Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Pharmacy and nursing, and other related multidisciplinary dimensions after a peer-review process. Plagiarism-free manuscripts following all international-standard ethical guidelines by authors are highly recommended. Globally competitive findings and original and innovative ideas are the key factors for the acceptance of manuscripts for publication in The Scientific Temper.
Current Issue
The Scientific Temper Volume 15.2: April-June 2024 is online now. We have been incorporating manuscripts from approximately 258 subjects for publication. After reviews and editorial processes, the best articles are published. Readers will enjoy the collection of original, innovative and prudent masterpieces from our sincere and faithful authors. - P N Tripathi, Editor-in-Chief, Dated: June 15, 2024
साइंटिफिक टेम्पर खंड 15.2: अप्रैल-जून 2024 अब ऑनलाइन है। हम प्रकाशन के लिए लगभग 258 विषयों की पांडुलिपियों को शामिल कर रहे हैं। समीक्षाओं और संपादकीय प्रक्रियाओं के बाद, सर्वोत्तम लेख प्रकाशित किए जाते हैं। पाठक हमारे ईमानदार और वफादार लेखकों की मौलिक, नवीन और विवेकपूर्ण उत्कृष्ट कृतियों के संग्रह का आनंद लेंगे। - पी एन त्रिपाठी, प्रधान संपादक, दिनांक: 15 जून, 2024
The Scientific Temper Volumen 15.2: abril-junio de 2024 ya está en línea. Hemos ido incorporando manuscritos de aproximadamente 258 temas para su publicación. Luego de revisiones y procesos editoriales, se publican los mejores artículos. Los lectores disfrutarán de la colección de obras maestras originales, innovadoras y prudentes de nuestros sinceros y fieles autores. - P N Tripathi, editor en jefe, fecha: 15 de junio de 2024