About the Journal

The Scientific Temper is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary research journal. The Scientific Temper, a biannual publication (now, since January 2023, the frequency is being increased from biannual to quarterly), is devoted to publish peer-reviewed original and review articles in all the major disciplines of Science and Engineering, Biology and Modern Biology, Agriculture and Horticulture, Physics and  Chemistry, Maths and Statistics, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Nursing etc., on the basic as well as applied aspects. However, interdisciplinary articles (from Social Sciences) may also be considered for publication. In such a case, the methodology of work, approach of the concept, developing and dealing with the hypothesis and the discussion of the idea must have A SCIENTIFIC TEMPER#* IN SPIRIT, THOUGHT AND EXPRESSION. 


Presently Indexed with:

CrossRef (Prefix: https://doi.org/10.58414/SCIENTIFICTEMPER.)

Google Scholar



Zoological Records

The type of articles published

  • Full-length original research paper
  • Review articles
  • Short reports on Special findings
  • Interviews
  • Book reviews and event summary etc
  • Short and summarized biography of Modern India Builders 
  • We do not publish internal medicine, Yoga and Siddha, Jyotish etc

Authors are advised to check and get assured themselves about the suitability of the journal for submitting their articles. We do not have false claims regarding indexing, and a pseudo and falsely generated impact factor etc. Abstracting and indexing the journal volumes are not under our sphere of activity. This is done by the abstracting agencies, eg., Clarivate etc as per their standards and specifications. Our duty and responsibilities are accepting, editing and publishing the original and quality articles within the stipulated timeframe.

Se recomienda a los autores que comprueben y se aseguren de la idoneidad de la revista para el envío de sus artículos. No tenemos afirmaciones falsas con respecto a la indexación, ni un factor de impacto generado falsamente, etc. La elaboración de resúmenes y la indexación de los volúmenes de la revista no están dentro de nuestra esfera de actividad. Esto lo hacen las agencias de resúmenes, por ejemplo, Clarivate, etc., según sus estándares y especificaciones. Nuestro deber y responsabilidades son aceptar, editar y publicar los artículos originales y de calidad dentro del plazo establecido.

Авторам рекомендуется проверить и убедиться в пригодности журнала для подачи своих статей. У нас нет ложных заявлений по поводу индексации, ложно и ложно сгенерированного импакт-фактора и т.п. Реферирование и индексирование журнальных томов не входит в нашу сферу деятельности. Это делается реферативными агентствами, например, Clarivate и т. д., в соответствии с их стандартами и спецификациями. Наша обязанность и ответственность – принимать, редактировать и публиковать оригинальные и качественные статьи в установленные сроки.

建议作者自行检查并确定该期刊是否适合提交其文章。 我们没有关于索引的虚假声明,以及伪和错误生成的影响因子等。对期刊卷进行摘要和索引不属于我们的活动范围。 这是由抽象机构(例如 Clarivate 等)根据其标准和规范完成的。 我们的职责是在规定的时间内接受、编辑和发表原创的、高质量的文章。

 Editorial Activity

Days to First Editorial Decision
Description for Days to First Editorial Decision
2 to 3
Days to Accept
4 to 14
Days to Reject
4 to 8
Acceptance Rate
Description for Acceptance Rate
Rejection Rate
Description for Rejection Rate
72% to 65%
Desk Reject Rate
48% to 50%
After Review Reject Rate
24% to 15%