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Printed and Published by BABURAM AND SONS, DEOKALI, AYODHYA-224001, India, in association with PNT SCIENTIFIC TEMPER PRIVATE LIMITED
Founder and Editor-in-Chief: P N Tripathi, PhD, FIASc., Prof and Head (Retd), Zoology Department, KS Saket College, Ayodhya-224123, Prop.-Baburam and Sons, Deokali, Ayodhya-224001, India; Chairman: PNT SCIENTIFIC TEMPER PRIVATE LIMITED. E-MAIL:,
Executive Editor: Bhuminath Tripathi, PhD (BHU), Prof and Head, Department of Biotechnology, IGNTU, Amarkantak, MP, India. Mail ID -
Editor: Prof. Ghanshyam. Tripathi, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan (
Managing Director (PR & Post Production): Vibhu Tripathi, BA (Hons, Psychology), BHU, Varanasi, MA (Applied Psychology), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 110025, Ethical And Psychosocial Issues In Management of COVID-19, (Harvard Medical School): Director: PNT SCIENTIFIC TEMPER PRIVATE LIMITED. Mail ID:
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Links of few other important multidisciplinary research journals: PNAS, Lancet (, Science | AAAS, Home | Protoplasma (
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