Editorial Team

Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Prof and Head (R), Zoology Department, K S Saket PG College, Ayodhya-224123.
General Secretary: Academy of Innovative Research (Regd.), Bemawal, Ambedkarnagar-224181.
Prop: BABURAM & SONS (A Knowledge Industry), Deokali, Ayodhya.
Contact: publisher@scientifictemper.com, pntripathiphd@hotmail.com. publisher@baburamandsons.co.in
Phone: 8090108846

Executive Editors

Prof Bhumi Nath Tripathi, M.Sc, Ph.D. (BHU, Varanasi)
Prof and Head, Department of Biotechnology, IGNTU, Amarkantak, MP.
Specialization: Plant Molecular Biology/Molecular Physiology of Plants.
Contact: executive.editor@scientifictemper.com, bhuminath.tripathi@igntu.ac.in
Phone: 9589517179, Citations: 3155, h-index: 24, i10-index: 39

Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Shukla, M.Sc, Ph.D. (BHU, Varanasi),
Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, K.S. Saket P.G. College, Ayodhya, UP.
Specialization: Environmental Microbiology, Google Scholar Citations: >990 | h-index: 17 | i10-index: 22,
ORCID Id:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5974-1300
Contact: executive.editor@scientifictemper.com,awadhkshukla@gmail.com
Phone: 8787228748



Prof. Ghanshyam Tripathi, PhD (BHU, Varanasi)
Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Contact: drgst@gmail.com, Google Scholar Citations: 2000, | h-index: 20 | i10-index: 33


Advisors and Editors

Dr Manas Kumar Mandal
DRDO, Delhi (Retd).
Visiting Professor, IIT Kharagpur.
Contact: mandalmanask@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/manas-kumar-mandal

Prof. Sandeep K Malhotra
Allahabad University, Allahabad.
Contact: philonym@gmail.com

Ashok Mishra
Professor & Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation Chair in Food Management, Arizona State University, Morrison School of Agribusiness, Senior Global Futures Scientist, Global Futures Scientists and Scholars,Email: Ashok.K.Mishra@asu.edu, Phone: 480-727-1288 ,SANTAN HALL, Suite 235 | Mail Code:1780 7231 E Sonoran Arroyo MallMesa, AZ 85212, 14,000 citations in Google Scholar (with an h-index of 64 and i10-index of 220)

Prof B Y Chung
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, South Korea
Email: bychung@kaeri.re.kr

Prof B H Kim
Hanyang University, South Korea
Citations: 2339, h-index: 21, i 10 index 60
Email: tigerk@hanyang.ac.kr

Dr Pavel Kerchev,
Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic
Email: kerchev@mendelu.cz

Prof Maria Mueller,
University of Graz, Austria, Institute of Plant Sciences
mail: mueller@uni-graz.at

Prof. Dr. Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira
Area: Socioenvironmental and Rural Development

Prof. Dr. Mateus Matiuzzi da Costa
Biochemistry and Microbiology
Citations: 4139, h-index: 33, i10 index: 125

Prof. Dr. Benoit Jean Bernard Jahyny
Entomology and Animal Behavior
benoit. jahyny@univasf.edu.br

Prof. Dr. Jackson Roberto Guedes da Silva Almeida
Pharmacy, Plant Extracts and Biochemistry, Professor do Curso de Farmácia, , Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco E-Mail: jackson.guedes@univasf.edu.br, Citations: 10084, h-index: 49, i10-index: 210

Prof. Umesh Chand Srivastava
Allahabad University, Allahabad.
Specialization: Neuroanatomy, Zoology.
Contact: ucsrivastava@rediffmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-1912-0865

Dr. Anil Kumar Tripathi
MD, FRCP (London), FRCP (Glasgow), FRCP (Ireland), FAMS, FICP, FISHTM, FIACM
Professor and Head (Retd), Department of Clinical Hematology, King George's Medical University.
Former Director, Dr. RML Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow.
Email: tripathiak2010@hotmail.com
Specialization: Clinical Hematology, Oncology, Haemato-oncology.

Prof. Kaushal Kumar Shukla
IIT, BHU, Varanasi, Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Data Science.
Email: kkshukla.cse@iitbhu.ac.in

Prof. Manoj K. Tiwari
Director, Indian Institute of Management, Mumbai
Email: director@iimmumbai.ac.in
Google Scholar: H-Index - 82, Scopus - 61.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8564-1402

Prof. Sachchida Nand Tripathi
IIT, Kanpur, Specialization: Engineering and Maths, Climate Change.
Email: snt@iitk.ac.in
Google Scholar Citations: >8891, H-Index -52; ISI Web of Knowledge: H-Index -47.

Dr. Bhupendra N Tripathi
Vice-Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu., President: Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists (IAVP).
Email: vcskuastjammu@gmail.com, bntripathi1@yahoo.co.in
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/bntripathi

Prof. V K Tripathi
B.H.U., Varanasi, Specialization: Urban Geography, Applied Geography, Regional Planning. Email: vktbhu2004@gmail.com, vktri@bhu.ac.in

Prof. Atakhanova Nigora Ergashevna
Head of the Department of Oncology and Radiology, TMA, Tashkent Medical Academy.
Phone: +998 98 128 0567
Email: atakhanova.62@bk.ru

Prof. Bechan Sharma, MSc PhD (BHU, Varanasi)
Allahabad University, Allahabad
Biochemistry, Molecular Biology.
Email: sharmabi@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: Bechan Sharma
ORCID: 0000-0003-3520-0232

Prof. Prabodh Kumar Trivedi
Specialization: Environmental Biotechnology, Stress Physiology.
Email: prabodht@hotmail.com
Google Scholar: Profile
Total Impact Factor: 671.757 | H-Index: 56 | Total Citations: 8626 (as of August 03, 2021).

Prof. Uday Shanker Dixit
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
Phone: +913612582657
Email: usd1008@yahoo.com, Total Citations: 2774 | H-Index: 26.

Dr Satyendra Chandra Tripathi
Associate Professor
AIIMS, Nagpur (Biochemistry, Oncology,
: Google Scholar: h-Index 29; i10-Index: 44;
Total Citation 4180

Yakubova Makhamat Mirakramovna
Professor of Neurology, Tashkent Medical Academy
Specialization: Clinical and diagnostic parameters of multiple sclerosis.
Phone: +998 94 603 84 69
Email: marhamat62@mail.ru

Dr. Anil Kumar
Delhi Technical University
Specialization: Mechanical Engineering.
Email: anilkumar76@dtu.ac.in
Curriculum Vitae

Isreal Zewide (PhD),
Associate Professor of Soil Science,
Publication Documentation and Dissemination Directorate Director,
College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Department of Horticulture,
Mizan Tepi University, Mizan Aman, Ethiopia
Contact No: +251-917830596
E-mails: zewideisreal@gmail.com, isrealzewdie@mtu.edu.et

Associate Editors

Lecturer, Department of Information Technology,
University of Professional Studies,
Accra, Ghana,
Information Technology Studies Department University of Professional Studies,
Accra (UPSA),
Box LG 149, Legon, Accra, Ghana.
Phone: 0209286540 / 0557507788
Email: amanda.okronipa@upsamail.edu.gh /mandyquist@gmail.com

Dr. Amarnath Tripathi, PhD (BHU, Varanasi), Jaipuria Institute of management, Noida-UP,India,Email: amarnath.tripathi@jaipuria.ac.in RESEARCH AREAS, Agriculture & Natural Resource Economics; Food Security & Food System; Rural Livelihood, Economics of Climate Change; & Public Policy & Impact Evaluation. Citations: 1182, h-index_16, I 10-index: 22

Dr. Geetali Tilak
Professor & Vice Chancellor,
Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune
Specialization: New Social Media, Ethics and Laws in Media.
Phone: 020-24403000
Email: geetali.tilak@gmail.com

Dr. Sandhya Verma
B.Sc., LL.B, LL.M. (AMU), Ph.D. (Law from AMU), UGC-NET (Law)
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
University of Allahabad, Prayagraj
Email: sandhya@allduniv.ac.in
Ph-8439726535, 7465085674

Dr. Sangeeta N Kharde
Professor & Head, Dept. of OBG Nursing,
KLE'S Institute of Nursing Sciences Nehru Nagar,
Belgaum.590010, Karnataka,
Phone: 0831 2472303, 9481322656, Nursing Sciences and Health Management;
Email: sangeeta.kharde@gmail.com

Dr Harnam Singh Lodhi
KS Saket PG College, Ayodhya (Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Toxicology)
E-Mail ID: hslodhi2003@gmail.com
Phone No.-+919415088507

Sivasankar, G A
Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,-641402, Tamilnadu, (Aeronautical Engineering),
E-Mail: gassaero@gmail.com;
ORCID ID : 0000-0002-6117-9118, Scopus ID : 58033050500, Web OF Science ID : AAX-9314-2020, FAA Expert Team Member ID : 22762, Vidwan ID : 252377

Arunima Dey

Assistant Professor, NSHM Media School, NSHM College of Management and Technology, Member of International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT-India Chapter), Former Editorial Director of Krupa-Communique
NSHM Knowledge Campus, NSHM Media School,
124, 60, Basanta Lal Saha Rd, Tara Park, Behala, Kolkata, West Bengal 700053

Mobile No. +91 7278373674
Email: arunima.dey@nshm.com/ adey038@gmail.com