Marketing strategies in the pharmaceutical industry
Marketing, pharmaceutical industry, strategies, purchasing behaviour, productsDimensions Badge
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Marketing is believed to maintain a steady supply of customers, which a business requires to survive. Pharmaceuticals are a global force; they include everything from domestic items to drugs and medical supplies that can save lives. Due to the dependence of the pharmaceutical industry on specialized training, pharmaceutical education is now a requirement for medical school. Distribution or marketing of pharmaceuticals makes drugs accessible to the public. Since most customers only actively seek out pharmaceuticals or medical supplies when they have an urgent need, pharma marketing is distinctive. Today, selling medications for a profit confronts this greatest obstacle. This Review article will examine the fundamental values of pharmaceutical marketing to comprehend it better. The study will also evaluate marketing materials for pharmaceuticals. This study draws on the knowledge of various academics and pharmaceutical marketing executives. The research focuses on the marketing balance, consumer drug attitudes, eco-friendly marketing, and pharmaceutical product promotion. The author’s choices and availability may necessitate that the examined articles and literature accurately reflect the study’s implication, and the findings may be suggestive rather than conclusive.Abstract
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