Developing interpretable models and techniques for explainable AI in decision-making





Explainable AI interpretable AI models, Cybersecurity, Attack types, Decision-making, Botanical classification.

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  • Jayaganesh Jagannathan Government Arts and Science College
  • Dr. Agrawal Rajesh K
  • Dr. Neelam Labhade-Kumar
  • Ravi Rastogi
  • Manu Vasudevan Unni
  • K. K. Baseer


The rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies across various industries and decision-making processes has undeniably transformed the way of approaching complex problems and tasks. AI systems have proven their prowess in areas such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems, revolutionizing how decisions are made. Nevertheless, this proliferation of AI has raised critical concerns regarding the transparency, accountability, and fairness of these systems, as many of the state-of-the-art AI models often resemble complex black boxes. These intricate models, particularly deep learning neural networks, harbor non-linear relationships that are difficult for human users to decipher, thereby raising concerns about bias, fairness, and overall trustworthiness in AI-driven decisions. The urgency of this issue is underscored by the realization that AI should not merely be accurate; it should also be interpretable. Explainable AI (XAI) has emerged as a vital field of research, emphasizing the development of models and techniques that render AI systems comprehensible and transparent in their decision-making processes. This paper investigates into the relevance and significance of XAI across various domains, including healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems, where the ability to understand the rationale behind AI decisions is paramount. In healthcare, where AI assists in diagnosis and treatment, the interpretability of AI models is crucial for clinicians to make informed decisions. In finance, applications like credit scoring and investment analysis demand transparent AI to ensure fairness and accountability. In the realm of autonomous systems, transparency is indispensable to guarantee safety and compliance with regulations. Moreover, government agencies in areas such as law enforcement and social services require interpretable AI to maintain ethical standards and accountability. This paper also highlights the diverse array of research efforts in the XAI domain, spanning from model-specific interpretability methods to more general approaches aimed at unveiling complex AI models. Interpretable models like decision trees and rule-based systems have gained attention for their inherent transparency, while integrating explanation layers into deep neural networks strives to balance accuracy with interpretability. The study emphasizes the significance of this burgeoning field in bridging the gap between AI's advanced capabilities and human users' need for comprehensible AI systems. It seeks to contribute to this field by exploring the design, development, and practical applications of interpretable AI models and techniques, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the trust and understanding of AI-driven decisions.

How to Cite

Jayaganesh Jagannathan, Dr. Agrawal Rajesh K, Dr. Neelam Labhade-Kumar, Ravi Rastogi, Manu Vasudevan Unni, & K. K. Baseer. (2023). Developing interpretable models and techniques for explainable AI in decision-making. The Scientific Temper, 14(04), 1324–1331.


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