The role of food program to overcome obesity, overweight, and underweight among autistic children




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Research article


  • Leyla A.A Abu-Hussein Al-Balqa Applied University


This research aims to explore the impact of a specially tailored food program on the weight changes experienced by children with autism. This food program was implemented both within specialized centers and under direct maternal supervision at home. The intervention spanned two months and consisted of three main meals and two snacks daily for the children with autism. Prior to the program’s initiation, an assessment of the children’s weight status revealed a spectrum ranging from extremely underweight to underweight, with only a small fraction of the sample exhibiting normal weight and one child falling into the obese category. The study findings indicated that a diet free from gluten, casein, sugar, and monosodium glutamate proved beneficial for children with autism. Notably, the results demonstrated a positive trend in weight among underweight children, with weight gains ranging from 1 to 3 kilograms, contingent upon age. The research also highlighted that younger participants tended to exhibit a more pronounced response to the program. Moreover, the program exhibited success in reducing obesity, with a notable 4-kilogram reduction in weight observed among obese children. Based on the outcomes, it is suggested that programs of this nature should be consistently implemented within specialized centers. This study’s keywords encompass autism children, overweight, underweight, and normal body weight

How to Cite

Abu-Hussein, L. A. (2023). The role of food program to overcome obesity, overweight, and underweight among autistic children. The Scientific Temper, 14(03), 895–901.


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