Synthesis and structural feasibility of photonic materials




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Research article


  • Y. Aboobucker Parvez SNS College of Technology
  • Prasanth Ponnusamy
  • S Santhosh
  • Rakhi Kamra


Based on the sample’s texture and colour changed at various temperatures, this study examined the optical-thermal dependency of chiral nematic liquid crystal ink samples. This work examines ZnO thin films from an optical and structural standpoint. The required layer thickness was produced by spinning a zinc oxide solution over a cleaned glass substrate at 4000 rpm for 30 seconds at room temperature. The samples were then subjected to annealing, which was done from 150 to 600°C in increments of 50°C. This thin coating’s optical characteristics were examined using an electron microscope and an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. The optical transmittance, reflectance, and absorbance of zinc oxide were measured to estimate its optical band gap. When a light beam is transmitted or reflected, photonic crystals can display pertinent optical characteristics. The reflecting qualities in particular can be of interest in a two-dimensional photonic crystal and subsequently tuned for many technical applications, including selective high-reflection mirrors, photovoltaic solar systems, tuneable laser cavities, and many more. The development of Si has enabled the investigation of the reflective optical characteristics of two-dimensional photonic crystals grown on hybrid ZnO substrates with 10-45 nm size.

How to Cite

Y. Aboobucker Parvez, Prasanth Ponnusamy, Santhosh , S., & Rakhi Kamra. (2023). Synthesis and structural feasibility of photonic materials. The Scientific Temper, 14(03), 834–839.


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