Comparative analysis of print contrast of hybrid modulated digitally modulated screening on different grades of paper




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Research article


  • Vandana Department of Printing Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hissar, Haryana, India.
  • Ambrish Pandey Department of Printing Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hissar, Haryana, India.


Information technology and Innovation has transformed our life; the same is true for printing. Screening technology has developed and become highly advanced during past few decades. The aim of this research is to identify the significant difference in print contrast between hybrid modulated (XM) digitally modulated (DM) screening on different grades of paper printed by sheet-fed offset printing process. Samples sheets are printed with same solid ink density to make valid comparison. Around 150 sheets are printed to achieve target solid ink density value (+ 0.05) during printing. After the density values are attained in accordance with standard SID values, next 50 sample sheets are printed, measured and evaluated.Information Technology and Innovation has transformed our life and same is true for printing also. Screening Technology has developed and become highly advanced during past few decades. The aim of this research is to identify the significant difference in print contrast between Hybrid Modulated (XM) & Digitally Modulated (DM) Screening on different grades of paper printed by sheet-fed offset printing process. Samples sheets are printed with same solid ink density to make valid comparison.  During printing, around 150 sheets are printed to achieve target Solid Ink Density value (+ 0.05). After the density values are attained in accordance with standard SID values, next 50 sample sheets are printed, measured and evaluated.


How to Cite

Vandana, & Pandey, A. (2023). Comparative analysis of print contrast of hybrid modulated digitally modulated screening on different grades of paper. The Scientific Temper, 14(03), 771–773.


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