Design and development of wall hanging and plant hangers using tie and dye





Tie and Dye, Resist Dyeing, Product Development, Yarn Tie and Dye, Wall Hangings, Plant Holder.

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Research article


  • Simeon P Student M.Sc in Fashion Design and Merchandising, Department pf Apparel ana fashion Design, PSG College of Technology
  • Vijayalakshmi D 2Professor & Head, Department of Apparel & Fashion Design, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641004, Tamil Nadu, India


The key priority of this research work is to learn about the tie and dye Craft specialization, its value and diversity, to develop and promote tie and dye items in the fashion business. Tie and dye are type of resist dyeing, which involves tying the cloth and making manipulations before dyeing them. These manipulations are called resists and prevent the applied colour from coloring the fabric. The uniqueness of tie and dye lies in producing rich visual effects of colors on the fabric through “tying” and “dyeing” the fabric. The art of tie and dye has survived the passage of time and is practiced around the globe even today. In this research two different products like wall hanging and pot holders are created using macramé technique. The cords used are tie and dyed. The products were also checked for its marketability using a survey.

How to Cite

P, S., & D, V. (2023). Design and development of wall hanging and plant hangers using tie and dye. The Scientific Temper, 14(02), 391–397.


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