Geography and Topography of the Jaipur City in the Eighteenth Century






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  • Hina Pathak Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History, A.M.U., Aligarh
  • Basheer Khan Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History, A.M.U., Aligarh


Commenting on Sawai Jai Singh’s agreement Satish Chandra writes, “Hitherto, the Marathas had been claiming chauth and Sardeshmukhi, and urging its commutation into a lump annual sum or a Jagir. Now, the ceding of certain parganas was demanded in lieu of chauth. Thus, all pretence of chauth being a payment in return for protection or refraining from plunder was dropped. The claim for chauth was revealed as merely an excuse for territorial aggrandizement. From now on the demand for the chauth and sardeshmukhi of Malwa goes increasingly into the background, and the complete surrender of the province is demanded. Thus, the agreement of March 1733 marks a new stage in the Mughal-Maratha struggle in Malwa.

How to Cite

Pathak, H., & Khan, B. (2022). Geography and Topography of the Jaipur City in the Eighteenth Century. The Scientific Temper, 13(02), 410–415.


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