Coefficient of absorption cross-section of RN black holes
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This study investigates the absorption cross-section of Reissner Nordstrom (RN) black holes at high energies.It also examines the graphical relationship between absorption cross-section, mass and frequency and compares them to those of the Schwarzschild black holes. Some standard approximations like Regge pole technique, Eikonal approximation and Sinc approximation have been used in this study. Using these approximations a relation has been established between shadow radius and absorption cross-section of black holes. The graphical analysis in this study was performed with Origin software. An oscillatory pattern was found in the absorption cross-section of the Reissner-Nordstrom metric for charges Q = 0 to 1.0. The graphical dependence of the total absorption cross-section on frequency indicates an inverse relationship between the charge and total absorption cross-section. For the small value of shadow radii the high energy absorption cross-section of Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) black holes,as approximated by the sinc function, exhibits a slow increase with fluctuations(shadow radius, RS< 6). However, for large value of shadow radii of RN black holes absorption cross-section rises in an exponential manner(RS< 120). The total absorption cross-section and mass variables exhibit an exponential correlation with respect to Schwarzschild and RN black holes. The connection between the sinc approximation and the absorption cross-section of Reissner Nordstrom black holes is calculated, which is crucial for unraveling the physics of black holes.A comparative graphical analysis of absorption cross-section of different types of black holes offers a visual understanding of their similarities and differences.Abstract
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